Saturday, July 12, 2008

Acid Reflux - Tips for Prevention

Acid reflux is the result of stomach acids moving back into the esophagus through the sphincter valve separating the two. Since the esophagus does not have the protective lining that the stomach has, the introduction of this acid into the esophagus is very painful. Continuous exposure to stomach acids can seriously damage your esophagus. Suffering from acid reflux doesn't have to be a permanent state for you. While everyone experiences some heartburn periodically, those that have frequent acid reflux experience this as often as every day. There are steps that you can take to control and prevent acid reflux.

First and foremost, you want to visit your doctor. Acid reflux can be a symptom of a larger problem. Some dietary changes that you can make to help control your acid reflux are: Eating more protein at meals. It is possible that eating protein can help strengthen the muscles of your esophagus, therefore reducing the amount of reflux you experience. Limit carbonated beverages. These drinks can aggravate acid reflux. Avoid food and drinks that contain caffeine and reduce or eliminate alcoholic beverages. These can increase acid production in the stomach, which can lead to acid reflux. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables aids in digestion, although avoid acidic ones such as tomatoes and citrus fruits.

Seventy five percent of all people who suffer from acid reflux find that it occurs most often at night or while lying down. You can help prevent acid reflux by doing the following: Do not go to bed full. Stop eating at least two hours before going to bed. After your last meal of the day, get some exercise rather than lying down on the couch. Sleep with your head raised slightly. You can do this with an extra pillow (making sure it is supporting your upper back as well as your head), or special foam wedges to raise your upper body. Sleep on your left side. The stomach is lower than the esophagus when you lay on your left side, helping reduce the chance for reflux.

If you still experience acid reflux after making lifestyle changes, you can consider medication. There are a number of products on the market, both prescription and non-prescription. The majority of these drugs work by reducing the amount of acid that the stomach produces. Several of these drugs include:

Prilosec. Prilosec is available both ways. If you only suffer from heartburn, you can do short-term management with OTC (over the counter) Prilosec. If you suffer from stomach ulcers, then your doctor can prescribe a stronger version for you.

Protonix. Protonix is available by prescription only and is highly effective. Results show acid reduction of around 90% in patients studied.

Zantac. One of the oldest of the acid reflux drugs, this is available both OTC and by prescription. Zantac is used to prevent acid reflux and to help heal esophagitis caused by acid reflux.

While there isn't necessarily a cure for acid reflux, with a combination of lifestyle changes and/or medications, you can be relatively symptom free.

You can buy Protonix here


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"goodbye, little man."
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HafhandBludson's weblog

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