Although not as well covered as loss of male libido Female Sexual Arousal Disorder ( FSAD) is extremely common but the good news is there are several natural solutions that can rejuvenate libido. Let's look at the causes and some natural cures...
Many women who have low libido have no problems with having orgasms. However, they have no desire or sex drive; they are simply not interested or want to engage in sex.
Fortunately, for many women, lack of libido is only a temporary some will get over it by themselves - and many more can help cure the problem naturally.
what are the causes of lack of libido in women?
Lack of desire in women can be of either physical or psychological origin.
Physical causes in females include:
• Anemia - Is surprisingly common in women, due to iron loss during their periods (and in childbirth).
• Alcoholism.
• Recreational Drugs
• Medical conditions, such as diabetes.
• Post-baby coolness (PBC):
This is the term for the extremely common loss of libido that occurs after childbirth. It is linked to the dramatic changes in hormones within the body which occur at this time. The general trauma of childbirth has an affect- and after birth women are simply too exhausted to think about sex.
• Prescribed drugs.
- Low Testosterone Levels
Contrary to belief this hormone is important for women to!
-Low Nitric Oxide Levels and Poor Blood Circulation
Nitric oxide is a key chemical for blood flow and strong healthy blood flow is important not just for sex health but overall health to.
The menopause does not feature in the above list and is rarely a physical cause of loss of sexual desire. In fact, many women feel a lot sexier (and have more orgasms) in the postmenopausal part of their life.
Psychological causes
Just as with men the psychological causes are the same and if our moods and spirit are low so to is our sex drive. Common causes include all, or any of the following:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Fatigue
-Low Energy
- Depression
Taking Action to Rejuvenate Libido
If you are suffering a temporary loss of libido, have no serious health problems and find yourself not feeling in the mood chances are you can correct it by attacking the causes.
The first point is if you over indulge in drugs and drink or smoke cut down or even better give up and make sure you have a healthy well balanced diet - its then time to top up the nutrients in your body, to nourish the mind and body.
The first herb to start with is the one which is considered the ultimate women's herb for health.
Dong Quai
It is used to restore balance to a woman's hormones and cycles and helps the body restore menstrual regularity, and aids conditions of the reproductive system. The herb is often taken to help women resume normal menstruation after using birth control methods.
It also promotes healthy blood circulation. It is high in iron which can help prevent iron deficiency and anemia. Medical testing has shown it can also help regulate blood sugar and lower blood pressure. It also has many other health benefits which indirectly increase sex drive.
Damiana Extract
Another great women's herb. It helps produce a feeling of mild euphoria which relaxes the body, to reduce stress anxiety. Damiana also helps to balance female hormone levels and control hot flushes.
Satavri Extract
Shatavri moistens dry tissues of the sexual organs, kidneys, stomach and lungs, and increases overall muscle tone and increases body strength. Shatavri also helps enhance levels of testosterone in the body.
Ginkgo Biloba & Ginseng
Are both tonic herbs and help promote healthy blood flow as well as lifting mood and boosting energy levels. They are two of the most popular herbs in the world and both help sex drive
Avena Sativa
This herb helps the body relax and at the same time, enhances sensitivity in the vagina region.
There are other herbs but the above is a good base to combat mild Female Sexual Arousal Disorder.
They will help reduce stress and anxiety, lift energy levels and therefore enhance mood. On a physical level, they will nourish the body, promote hormonal balance and increase testosterone, nitric oxide and blood flow.
So try the above, there natural, safe and can help enhance and rejuvenate libido.
You can buy Female Sexual Tonic here
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